Azuria Party Box is a multiplayer game with various gamemodes to have all sorts of fun with your friends!
Item Battle is a turn-based PvP game in which players utilize "decks" of various items, structures, and creatures to build a specific game-plan and interact with your opponents. Decks are fully customizable, and in this wiki you can find a list of every possible item in the game as well as what they do.
Item Battle is playable with as many players as you would like, from a minimum of two, but for the best competitive experience, the game is balanced around either 1v1 or four player free-for-all modes.
Soulless is a hybrid PvP/PvE multiplayer RPG in which players race to build up resources faster than their opponents. Featuring a richly detailed 3D map, randomized loot tables, scaling difficulty, and permadeath aspects, Soulless is intended to be a hardcore experience that will truly test your skills.
Soulless is also playable by groups of different sizes, or even just one person if you'd like to explore the world at a more relaxed pace or develop your own ways to navigate the course of the game, but it is intended to be played with a group of 6 players in a free-for-all setting.